I really like Sherlock Holmes, and it is much more beneficial then the Doodlebops. They will get lots of knowledge out of that about Victorian London and solving clues.

Or, even better, read them Sherlock Holmes. Have your kid watch Max and Ruby or Diego or Bob the Builder. I don't think you should waste your time watching this. We only watched this when it was on in between shows we liked. Either that or they genuinely think kids like all that singing. It seems they need lots of filler for most shows. I wonder why people think it is a good idea to take up three fourths of a kids show with singing and dancing. I don't remember it well enough to say if it's worse then Splash'N Boots or not. Some little kids might find it amusing, but be prepared to be driven insane with all the singing and dancing. This is really a very weird show and I don't see any reason to watch it. The only memories I have of this really are that the Doodlebops were trying to make a room where nothing would break so the girl put a bunch of pink balls in it, and then the orange guy's guitar broke. I remember it creeped me out, and my parents really didn't like it at all. I watched part of an episode before writing this, and it all came flooding back. I only remember this very, very, vaguely.